Tuesday, 27 September 2011

Inspirational Quotes for Women

The battle of the sexes is as old as the hills. In patriarchal societies, women are conditioned to accept men as the superior sex. But awareness, education, and life's struggles have led women to shed their inhibitions. Great women leaders, artists, scientists, and other professional women have inspired other women to overcome social obstacles. Read some inspirational quotes by women and for women.

Susan B. Anthony, Women's Activist
Modern invention has banished the spinning wheel, and the same law of progress makes the woman of today a different woman from her grandmother.

Maya Angelou, African American PoetHow important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!

Germaine Greer, Academician, The Female Eunuch
Is it too much to ask that women be spared the daily struggle for superhuman beauty in order to offer it to the caresses of a sub-humanly ugly mate?

Emily Dickinson, Poet
Not knowing when the dawn will come, I open every door.

Martha Graham, American Choreographer
Nobody cares if you can't dance well. Just get up and dance. Great dancers are not great because of their technique, they are great because of their passion.

Marian Wright Edelman, American Activist, Families in Peril
We must not, in trying to think about how we can make a big difference, ignore the small daily difference we can make which, over time, add up to big differences that we often cannot foresee.

Diane Ackerman, Poet
[quoted in Newsweek, September 22, 1986] I don't want to get to the end of my life and find that I lived just the length of it. I want to have lived the width of it as well.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Activist
[Declaration of Sentiments, First Women's Rights Convention] We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men and women are created equal.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, Writer
Let us treat men and women well; treat them as if they were real. Perhaps they are.

Ayn Rand, Novelist
Thinking men cannot be ruled.

Barbara Bush, First Lady
[at Wellesley College Commencement] Somewhere out in this audience may even be someone who will one day follow in my footsteps, and preside over the White House as the President's spouse. I wish him well!

Carrie Chapman Catt, Women's Rights Activist
[in a speech at the Senate] No written law has ever been more binding than unwritten custom supported by popular opinion.

Mary Wollstonecraft, Writer, A Vindication of the Rights of Women
Women are systematically degraded by receiving the trivial attentions which men think it manly to pay to the sex, when, in fact, men are insultingly supporting their own superiority.

Margaret Thatcher, British Politician
In politics if you want anything said, ask a man. If you want anything done, ask a woman.

Susan Faludi, Pulitzer Prize-Winning Journalist, Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women
Feminism's agenda is basic: It asks that women not be forced to 'choose' between public justice and private happiness.

Whoopi Goldberg, American Actor
[quoted on the Today show] An actress can only play a woman. I'm an actor, I can play anything.

Simone de Beauvoir, French Author, The Second Sex
One is not born a woman, one becomes one.

Nadia Boulanger, Conductor
[on becoming the first woman to conduct the Boston Symphony Orchestra] I've been a woman for a little over 50 years and have gotten over my initial astonishment. As for conducting an orchestra, that's a job where I don't think sex plays much part.

Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Because man and woman are the complement of one another, we need woman's thought in national affairs to make a safe and stable government.

The Mommy Diet

Many people would be surprised to find out how early our nutritional habits begin. New research shows that a baby's "taste" for certain foods can begin even in the womb. For this reason, you want to eat a variety of healthy foods during your pregnancy and avoid sugars, salts and processed foods.
Those same "tastes" develop as your baby enjoys your breast milk. Research also suggests that breastfed babies may be less picky eaters as kids (and into adulthood) than formula-fed infants, especially if their moms eat a balanced diet while nursing.

Many new moms are not sure what foods to feed baby when they start eating solid foods. They turn to processed baby foods and children's menus. A study of more than 3,000 kids under age 2 found that large numbers of babies and toddlers have already developed an appetite for hot dogs, french fries, candy, and soda. This is very disconcerting considering that a child's food preferences will set in the first three years of life.

Are You a Model Mom?

One thing all new moms have in common is the desire to lose weight. But when you're consumed with motherhood, and restricted from dieting due to breastfeeding, the challenge is often hard. My goal is to help moms eat a healthful diet while feeding their new baby. As your baby eats new foods, so will you. You are their model for healthy eating.

The good news is that when you eat healthy, so do they. When they eat healthy, so do you. You need to model healthy eating behavior day in and day out. It's not enough to say that they should do so. They should see you eat your fruits, vegetables and wholesome foods. Most of all, they should see you eat. It is not uncommon that the moms with picky eaters are also the moms who are always on diets.

Most parents feed kids foods that they normally eat. You are exposing your children to a limited world of eating. Instead, bring new types of foods into the house for everyone to enjoy.

Your caloric needs are highest when your baby is smallest, especially if you're breastfeeding. As your baby can eat more, you can eat less. When you eat healthy, whole foods, you don't have to watch calories.

Kid's Menus Beware

Have you ever noticed the selection of foods on kids menus? Everything is fried and filled with saturated fats. Chicken nuggets, macaroni and cheese, burgers and fries. Why do we wonder about obesity rates in children?
Kids should be eating whole (unprocessed) foods, and so should you. So, instead of ordering off the kiddie menu, you can probably order one regular entrée and split it with your child. Add extra veggies or something a la carte if more food is needed.

Read the Label

What is your toddler eating? Have you read the labels on your child's foods? Most are filled with hydrogenated oils, sugars, artificial colors and enriched flours. Throw out goldfish crackers, chips and cookies.
Replace with healthy snack options such as whole grain graham crackers, string cheese, yogurt, mini cottage cheese cups, fruit cups, dried fruit bits, raisins and whole grain "O's" cereal.

Preparation Tips

Pre-prepare your foods. There are some foods that should always be in your house. Some foods should be prepared ahead of time and stored in the refrigerator so you can easily work them into recipes. Examples: bake or boil chicken, cut up some fruits and veggies, have chopped spinach in the freezer.

To Juice or Not to Juice

Serve only 100 percent fruit juice. One 4- to 6-ounce serving a day is plenty for babies, toddlers, and children under age 7; kids over age 6 may drink up to 12 ounces a day. You can dilute fruit juice with water to cut calories. Better yet, if your child is thirsty, serve milk or water.

Tools to make toddler eating more fun...

  • Egg Slicer Toddlers love having their hard boiled egg in pretty neat slices. But that's not all this slicer can do. Use it to slice strawberries, mushrooms, kiwi and more.
  • Melon Baller Kids like foods kid sized. Use your melon baller to slice melons, papaya, mangos and more.
  • Cookie Cutter Use a cookie cutter to make sandwiches more fun.

Snack Ideas

  1. Peanut Butter This versatile childhood favorite has plenty of protein and fiber. For a change, try making silly peanut butter and jelly sandwiches: Instead of bread, use toasted mini waffles or rice cakes.
  2. Sweet-Potato Chips Sweet spuds are one of the most nutritious vegetables around: They're packed with vitamin A and are a good source of B6, C, and folate. Just slice sweet potatoes very thin and spray lightly with a little olive oil. Bake until crispy.
  3. Whole-Grain Cereal A bowl of enriched whole-grain cereal with milk and fruit is power-packed with vitamins, calcium, and fiber. Add some berries to get some great anti-oxidants in!
  4. Cheese The protein in this versatile snack keeps energy levels high until dinnertime.
  5. Eggs One egg provides a 4-year-old with almost one third of her protein requirements for the day. Keep a bunch hardboiled in the fridge (they last for seven days), or scramble an egg and roll it up in a flour tortilla.  
  6. Yogurt Low-fat yogurt is an excellent source of calcium, and children love it dressed up. To keep sugar content to a minimum, buy plain yogurt and mix it with your child's favorite fruit preserves, fresh fruit or granola.
  7. Quesadillas Cheesy quesadillas are a calcium-rich snack that have protein as well. You can mix anything with the cheese including chopped vegetables, leftover cooked chicken, or even shrimp.
  8. Hummus Made from pureed chickpeas, hummus is an excellent dip for kids. It's got an appealing nutty flavor, is thick enough not to be messy, and contains folate, vitamin B6 and iron.
  9. Fruit Rich in fiber and vitamins--they are great cut up or used with dips.
  10. Smoothies Kids go crazy over these delicious, sippable treats, and they're packed with nutrients. Use nonfat vanilla yogurt, orange juice and a banana as the smoothie's base, then experiment with a combination of cut-up fresh or frozen fruit. It's a great way to sneak two or three servings of fruit into your child's diet. Add an extra dose of fiber and / or protein powder.
  11. Snack Mix Create your own! Toss together a healthy combo of nuts, whole grain pretzels, whole-grain cereal, dried fruit, and popcorn for a handy, portable snack. Nuts contain must-have minerals like magnesium, iron and zinc.

How Much Sleep Do I Need?

Most teens need about 8½ to more than 9 hours of sleep each night. The right amount of sleep is essential for anyone who wants to do well on a test or play sports without tripping over their feet. Unfortunately, though, many teens don't get enough sleep.

Why Aren't Teens Getting Enough Sleep?

Until recently, teens were often given a bad rap for staying up late, oversleeping for school, and falling asleep in class. But recent studies show that adolescent sleep patterns actually differ from those of adults or kids.
These studies show that during the teen years, the body's circadian rhythm (sort of like an internal biological clock) is temporarily reset, telling a person to fall asleep later and wake up later. This change in the circadian rhythm seems to be due to the fact that the brain hormone melatonin is produced later at night for teens than it is for kids and adults. This can make it harder for teens to fall asleep early.
These changes in the body's circadian rhythm coincide with a time when we're busier than ever. For most teens, the pressure to do well in school is more intense than when they were kids, and it's harder to get by without studying hard. And teens also have other time demands — everything from sports and other extracurricular activities to fitting in a part-time job to save money for college.
Early start times in some schools may also play a role in this sleep deficit. Teens who fall asleep after midnight may still have to get up early for school, meaning that they may only squeeze in 6 or 7 hours of sleep a night. A couple hours of missed sleep a night may not seem like a big deal, but can create a noticeable sleep deficit over time.

Why Is Sleep Important?

This sleep deficit impacts everything from a person's ability to pay attention in class to his or her mood. According to the National Sleep Foundation’s 2006 Sleep in America poll, more than one quarter of high school students fall asleep in class, and experts have been able to tie lost sleep to poorer grades. Lack of sleep also damages teens' ability to do their best in athletics.
Slowed responses and concentration from lack of sleep don't just affect school or sports performance, though. More than half of teens surveyed reported that they have driven a car drowsy over the past year and 15% of students in the 10th to 12th grades drive drowsy at least once a week. The National Highway Safety Traffic Administration estimates that more than 100,000 accidents, 40,000 injuries, and 1,500 people are killed in the U.S. every year in crashes caused by drivers who are simply tired. Young people under the age of 25 are far more likely to be involved in drowsy driving crashes.
Lack of sleep has also been linked to emotional troubles, such as feelings of sadness and depression. Sleep helps keep us physically healthy, too, by slowing our body's systems enough to re-energize us after everyday activities.

Monday, 19 September 2011

Female Celebrities Who Look Alike

Here are some of the celebrities from Hollywood that look alike. It seems that the celebrities from Hollywood are chosen from a visual pattern or rather made by one. If we take a look at the photos below we’ll find that many of them have their twin celebrity on the red carpet. If you want to be near Hollywood you have to look like one, already existing star or try to impersonate one in Las Vegas. It seems that the stylists are not helping them look apart.

Megan Fox Vs. Barbara Mori

In some people’s opinion Megan Fox is the most beautiful women on the Planet. But how can she be the most beautiful when there’s her look alike Barbara Mori who dashes and excites the world?


Keira Knightley Vs. Natalie Portman

Wow, I thought they were the same person.

America Ferrera Vs. Jordin Sparks

Ugly Betty and Jordin Sparks look so much like one another that people could think that they are the long separated twin sisters.

Katy Perry Vs. Zoey Deschanel

These two look almost the same.

Jessica Alba Vs. Marlene Favela

It seems that the half of the world idealize Jessica Alba and the other half Marlene Favela because they don’t realize that it’s not the same person.

Lauren Conrad Vs. Carmen Electra

One of the leading stars from the reality show the Hills has found her match in Hollywood. It’s no less than Carmen Electra. If you meet one of these two girls in the street you won’t be sure at which of these two celebs you are looking at.

Sunday, 18 September 2011

How Women Choose Men

A key point in good guys and the players is that women choose men. A man must take time to understand the concept. There are four ways in which women choose men.

1.)  Body Language
The most common way a woman chooses a man is through body language and other nonverbal techniques. The average woman will not get into a man and express a romantic interest in him. Women are more indirect than direct. Pages 22 to 26 players good guys and outline the main ways in which a woman to show interest. She is hoping that man will realize their interest and make the "first step". I quotes, because in reality the woman has taken the first step in an indirect way.

2.)  Aggressive Women An increasing percentage of women are directly aggressive in pursuit of the man of her choice. On one hand this is good because it takes the guesswork out of the equation. He knows that this woman wants. If it is attractive to the man who can easily seduce. In fact, it is what makes the seduction. On the other hand there are problems with this. Two types of women are directly aggressive. One is a woman who is desperate and the other is a woman who tends to be in control. The desperate woman will be easy to have sex in all probability, but other issues to the surface indicating the reasons why she is desperate. In general, avoid this type of woman unless you really need to get some and not until then let him know where you live. A truly desirable woman not be desperate because it has several men to choose the type of from.The other aggressive woman is a person who will control. A man will never be happy with a woman over because at some level that does not like men. Women who choose men in an aggressive manner is a clear example of women choosing men.

3.) Availability A woman can not give a man no signal and can not be aggressive. Also a man may see a woman and not a cold approach. He may think that is what makes the election, but it is not. No matter what man thinks the woman is still the choice. For example, a man approaches two women in one day. These women have not provided any initial indication that they were interested in him. The first woman to not look about and keep walking at a brisk pace. She does not want to be bothered. The second woman stops and talks to the man in a friendly manner. The difference in the two scenarios is that the second self-made woman for man to approach. Availability is simply a woman who makes it easier for men. This is especially true when a man who already has the phone number of a woman. With the advent of caller ID and cell phones for women to make their numbers more easily these days. In many cases, a woman feels that it is easier to give a man her phone number just to get him out of his face. Usually give the correct phone number because if a man sees it again he can not accuse her of having given a wrong number. You can, however, refuse to take your phone calls and then play later. A woman is the exercise of choice by returning phone calls, talking to the man on a consistent basis and be available for the dates. For example, a woman can talk to a man on the phone, but it is always busy when he suggests meeting. The other man who is always available for any of your suggestions. She is therefore a choice.

4.) Society
Women as a group to express their choice when there is a consensus that men are considered attractive and are not. Mainly peer groups and how the media this consensus. An example in the case of peer groups is when a group of professional women in a book club decide that the ideal men are those who are professionals with good credit who are at least 6 feet tall, with athletic bodies. Because women are affected by perceptions and opinions of their peers, a woman in this group usually going to want a man who meets the criteria of the group. A plump little man with bad credit to work part-time mechanic will not get the time of day for women in the medium group. The alternative also a woman. The ideal man for many women is the same kind of man they see on television and in movies. Men who do not reach that ideal are not chosen. Subconsciously, women view men and the situations in the media as real, though aware that you may know better. Your subconscious says this is what men should be. The subconscious mind takes the information received as real. As a result many women have a romantic view of how men should behave. A man who behaves in this way is not chosen.

Learning to recognize the choice..

A man must learn to recognize the election. A practical exercise in this regard goes to a nightclub or other place where men and women and just watch the dynamics. A man smart enough should be able to pick on women who choose different men. Another exercise for a man to just be quiet and pay attention to how women behave in general around him in everyday situations. They give you an idea about who finds you attractive. An important aspect of a man learning to recognize the election is out of the habit of going to the first woman he thinks is right. The man in this sense must learn to enter a particular situation and see what happens. An exercise in this respect is to go to a club and a purpose to wait half hour to an hour before you say anything to a woman. Thus, the man develops the patience to pay attention to what is going on and he also learns to calm down and think rationally instead of being led by his libido.

The man’s choice

Most men, when they told the woman to take the initial decision, I think they are unable to get the woman of your choice. What a man does not realize is that he has more power. When a man chooses a woman who has the power. You must meet the conditions for dating. It mistakenly thinks is his compelling with dinners, flowers and shopping trips. She has total control because it has what he wants and has decided on a price, which in all probability, not shared with him. Only when the price is paid not get anything. Men are deceived if they think they are electing women. Consider the following statement:

If men make the choice, a man would willingly spend money, lie, cheat and steal to have sex with a woman? He put her in their own way and not hers. Valentine's Day would not exist. In fact, an important part of the economy would not exist.

When a man recognizes that women choose men and acts of this knowledge came to power in several respects. One of them, stop wasting time with women who did not want it. They can concentrate their energies on women who want it. A man going to gain power, because once a woman chooses a man who tends to want whenever man and in many cases will do whatever it takes to get it. The key here is to realize that even if a woman chooses, he must accept the choice. For example, a woman who sends signals to a man and he ignores it. Women by nature do not give up easily once they want a man. They try harder to get their attention. It becomes a challenge for her and many women prefer a man who presents a challenge. A smart man will see and be able to get anything out of it. There is a change of roles in a sense. She will do everything in their power to convince her choice. Thus, a man is a woman on their terms. Now a man may feel you do not want the woman who chooses it. He wants he wants, the election or not. There are two ways to do this. One of them is going to have problems with a woman who elected him. She will not go out with him anyway and if she does try to use. Two, in many cases, the woman who chooses the man is someone who will want to man. This leads to a key point of good guys and the players:

A man is working to become the kind of man the average woman will be inclined to choose.

One reality is that women want supermen. They want the alpha males. This will be the case regardless of all the stupid intellectuals in the media. In fact, if you pay attention to the media this is what you see. The images in the media are based on the primary desires of a woman. If women want men short, chubby fat that is what you see in the media

Saturday, 17 September 2011

Rules For Brighter, Whiter Teeth

Brush with the best
You should brush your teeth at least 2 minutes, keeping the head at an angle of 45 degrees away from the gums. Go with stiff bristle brushes, medium or soft gums scraped raw. Best, however, are the electric-clean better, are more gentle on the gums, and make you commit to the entire 2 minutes. You should ditch your memory every 60 days or when the bristles become bent, whichever comes first.

Watch Your white

First-time users often experience tooth whitening sensitive teeth, says Richard Price, DMD, American Dental Association. Salvation: a study in the Journal of Clinical Dentistry that people who brush with toothpaste potassium nitrate for 2 weeks at home before bleaching are less likely to feel greater sensitivity. Our favorite: Tom of Maine natural toothpaste. For more of the top dental hygiene gear, check out teeth the best new products for men.

Equally important: knowing when to stop the laundering of routine, as if his chompers start to turn blue around the edges. "This indicates a breakdown of the dentin," said Jonathan Levine, MD, PhD, founder of GoSmile, "which is the substance below the enamel of the teeth being whitened."

Make your teeth shine
When choosing a home bleach, use common sense. "Do not be fooled by false claims to whiten," says Gerard Kugel, MD, associate dean for research in the Tufts University School of Dental Medicine. In short: a higher concentration of bleach work faster. For a complete review of a home computer, look for a carbamide peroxide concentration of at least 10 percent. In a study conducted in Germany, in the office of the bleached teeth trays six colors in three sessions ($ 500 to $ 1,000), and variety in the home requires seven applications ($ 300 to $ 600). Whitening strips requires applications of 32 ($ 20 to $ 150). Click here for more information about home whitening kits.

But you can not aspire to a band and forget about it. Use a whitening toothpaste to maintain the brightness of the discoloration, and a thread-bleaching areas of plaque between teeth strong absorb the colors. Finally, see the coffee, juice and wine: oral-bling are murderers.

Dragon's Breath Banish
If brushing and flossing are not doing the trick, go for dirt tongue. "Your tongue is like a shag rug from the 1960's, the bacteria are from outside, clinking champagne glasses," said Jonathan Levine, MD, which means they are probably smoking pot, too. The answer: a tongue scraper. Look for one with a hard edge as OraSweet of ($ 3.50, orasweet.com). Go as far as I can, then pull forward, tongue scraping. Follow peroxide mouthwash. Overscrape No, says Fuad Malik, DDS, a dentist from New York. It can cause "hairy tongue", which is not evil at all. For more answers to your questions, smile, read Ask the Expert teeth.

Safety measures to take before dating someone you met online

Today, everything and nothing is done online, and also includes appointments. And it's not surprising to learn that there is strong growth in online dating sites driven by the steady increase of its registered members. As more and more people gain confidence in making transactions via the Internet, analysts say people involved in online dating are actually more willing to pay subscription fees or registration to use and reliable service insurance.

Online dating continues to attract users of all of anonymity involved. In February 2005, an academic study about online dating showed that 94% of those online dating online view dates again after their first meeting, and that the relationships that formed thereafter are lasted an average of at least seven months, with 18% of them lasting more than a year.

However, it is also this element of anonymity that makes online dating, as opposed to the usual practice of appointments, potentially more dangerous for customers seeking. Since the usual ways of judging a person close through their body language, physical appearance and other factors are totally absent in online dating, a psychopath may well go through your average ordinary guy, and a married woman can easily pass a single woman.

However, online dating can be fun if you know how to take care of the signs that tell you something is or is not real. Here are some things to consider:

• Whenever there is a high probability that the person you are talking with is married. An MSNBC investigation shows that about a third of users of online dating services are married! And that is at the top of the fact that men and women often lie about their true marital status and age. Beware of the telltale signs, like when people ask for his number, but does not call them, irregular and hasty, not sharing their last names even though they have theirs, and give very few, if not zero details on families or friends.

• People who insist on having your email in the first discussion. The market for online dating is a goldmine and many dating sites have a lot of sneaky and creative ways of marketing their services. Do not give your email address at first contact because the next time you check your email, your inbox fills up with spam messages online dating.

• It is natural that men and women to pretend to be younger or older than their age. Anyway, these are white lies that would not be hard to miss or ignore once you come face to face with that person. Worse, even more traumatic is the possibility of falling prey to online predators. Try asking your partner in line would be open to potential if a date for the first time with a companion in tow, or group of appointments or to meet in a public place. If not, drop him or her. There is something sinister about a person who wants to be alone with you in private during their first meeting.

• Beware of money scams. There are too many scammers and con artists worldwide, and the Internet is their playground. Beware those who try to make money from you for any reason. Unless you have already found the person and have some personal knowledge about the actual circumstances, never give in to requests. However, it would be safer to cut off communication. Just not a single ounce of integrity in a person who borrows money to someone you barely know anything.

Important Factors Older Women Should Take in to Account to Look and Feel Younger

Many older women believe that aging is synonymous with feeling older, which is not the case at all. Research on this topic has shown that women in their fifties can actually restore youthful vigor they had in their twenties, only the choice to live the right way.

While exercise is an important factor in maintaining a youthful appearance and vigor, is not alone. The way in which older women supplement will sleep and eat a considerable difference in the way they look. Sleep is one of the most important if the older women want to look and feel younger.

The body is revitalized by a good sleep, sound, as is the mind, which spreads all the stress accumulated during the day. During sleep our body secretes melatonin, cortisol and other hormones that help repair cells and burn fat. Improving sleep hygiene will do wonders for older women who want to look younger and fitter.

Not all sleep habits are good, for example, watching TV in bed is not beneficial to the noise emission will increase your alertness and make sleep difficult to achieve, you should also avoid working on a computer or write late at night your brain is still going to run a couple of hours later, thus making sleep difficult to achieve. Once awake in the morning should get up right away to rest in bed will only take you to bed late at night.

Older women should change their hours sleep habits, it is best to go to bed early and rise early, when you get older, the dream will become a new impetus if you go to bed late and sleep late. If the ambient temperature is slightly higher than usual before going to bed, this will lower the temperature of your body and help you fall asleep faster and deeper. A warm bath an hour before bedtime will also help to lower the temperature of your body and help you fall asleep quickly.

The pillow that is used is also very important for good quality sleep, you need a strong support for the head, neck and spinal cord, a bad pillow can cause stiffness and sleep disturbances, and ultimately have a sense of tiredness and lack of energy.

Exercise is also essential to maintain an older woman, looking and feeling younger. The aging process goes hand in hand with exercise and inactivity reduction over a period of time. A proper sport can take up to fifteen or twenty years from an older woman. Exercise should be regular but not necessarily too strong, the important thing is that muscle tissue is to be kept toned and flexible.
Thus, improved sleep patterns in regular exercise and a balanced diet, older women can look and feel years younger than they really are.

What should a woman wear on first date ?

Among the important questions that loom before us on our first date is that which you be putting on? Giving the best impression on the initial date is essential because it would decide whether you'll satisfy the person later on or otherwise. Therefore your physical appearance and offer yourself matters a great deal, regardless of how much your date would deny the truth that looks are this is not on his/her listing of characteristics that potential partners must have. The very first date was previously a proper affair when both met up for lunch in a classy restaurant. However, using the altering occasions, this popular practice is becoming passe and dinner in the local diner or seeing a pastime or perhaps a music concert along with other such activities have changed the formal affair the first date was previously. Wherever both of you meet, it's very essential that you should liven up properly. Listed here are a couple of tips to get the best look in your first date.

Women are almost paranoid prior to the first date. Following the date is planned, they spend endless hrs in the mall searching for the best outfit, the best set of footwear and also the right add-ons. Another essential aspect is makeup and jewellery. Makeup and jewellery should complement how you look and never dominate. Unneccessary use of makeup will make you appear just like a clown on and on outrageous with jewellery will make you appear just like a portable jewellery store. Either ways, the man would think it is very embarrassing just to walk inside your company.

In case your date intends to get you to some classy and chic restaurant for lunch, it might pay to visit light and subtle. The perfect dress on this kind of occasion will be a dress wear. As it might be an evening meal date, colors like black, maroon, beige, forest eco-friendly, whitened and dark blue would go much better than their lighter versions. If you feel the dress wear could be too fancy, the LBD or even the black outfits is definitely an evergreen option. It's a safe way to actually look wonderful without thinking an excessive amount of. Another possible choice is an expensive whitened shirt having a classy set of pants or perhaps a wise little skirt. Keep makeup to some limit to ensure that it highlights your physical features. Give heavy add-ons a miss and don something about the lighter side.

How to Lose Weight - The Basics of Weight Loss

In its most basic form, the weight loss is to burn more calories than you consume. That seems simple enough, but if it were really that simple, none of us has a weight problem. Too often we take drastic measures to see results - diets, pills or fitness equipment infomercials that promise rare instant success. Maybe you lose weight, but what happens when you go on that diet or let the training program crazy? To win it all back and more. The real secret to losing weight is making small changes and durable. The key is to forget about the immediate results and settle in for the long term.

Rules of Weight Loss

To lose one pound of fat, you must burn approximately 3500 calories above what you already burn doing daily activities. That sounds like a lot of calories and that would certainly not try to burn 3500 calories a day. However, take it step by step, you can determine exactly what you have to do each day to burn or cut those extra calories. Below is a step by step process to start.

1.) Calculate your BMR (basal metabolic rate). Your BMR is the amount of calories your body needs to maintain basic bodily functions like breathing and digestion. This is the minimum number of calories you need to eat every day. Note that the calculator will not be 100% accurate, so the numbers need to be adjusted as you learn more about their own metabolism.

2.) Calculate the level of activity. For a week or so, keep a diary of activities and use a calorie calculator to estimate how many calories you burn while sitting, standing, exercising, lifting weights, etc. throughout the day. Another option is easiest to use a heart rate monitor that calculates calories burned. After a week, add the totals for each day and through them to get a general idea of ​​the amount of calories you burn each day.

3.) Keep track of how many calories you eat. At least one week, entering and tracking your calories in line (for example, counting calories) or use a food diary to record what you eat and drink each day. Be as specific as possible when it is necessary to measure or find nutritional information for restaurants, if you eat out. After a week, add the totals for each day and through them to get a general idea of ​​the amount of calories you eat each day.

4.) Add up. Take your BMR number and add the calories of activity. Then subtract the calories from foods that total. If you are eating more calories than your BMR + activity, which is at risk of gaining weight.

Example: Mary BMR is 1400 calories and burning 900 calories with regular exercise, walking and doing household chores. To maintain your weight, eat 2300 calories (1,400 + 900 = 2,300). However, after keeping a food journal, Mary finds that she is eating 2550 calories each day. By eating 250 more calories than your body needs, Mary will gain about a pound every 2-3 weeks.